Collection: Erotic Horror Posters

Rick Melton Erotic Horror Posters

Rick Melton | Erotic Horror Posters

Wild Star Hearts presents a unique range of erotic horror posters featuring art by the renowed horror artist Rick Melton. 

“All exploitive art should look like it’s been knocked up at 5am by some wasted bum who once had talent but is now seriously on the slide.”

If Erotic Horror isn't really your thing, why not check out our other Rick Melton Art Prints collection: Classic Horror, Scream Queens and Suzi Shaw

Here's what Rick has to say about this collection of erotic horror art prints:

Just for once I’d like to be offered a nice normal commission, perhaps two West Highland Terriers frolicking in a field of poppies or a Rimini sunset.
Alas, I fear it’s not to be.

Things might have turned out different if soft porn/ shlock horror actress Suzi Lorraine hadn’t hired me to do her Psycho Bitch painting. Like Van Gogh said, once you’ve painted a homicidal blonde wiping blood up her ass there’s really no going back.

Oh well, at least it’s never boring and the guy who commissioned most of this stuff (erotic horror book publisher Greg Hurlstone) pays very well, although not very often!

As always, you can find all of Rick's artwork over on his website.

Erotic Horror Posters

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